Is Good Work Possible?

Wed, Jan 24

Capitalism is all-pervasive in our world, and it poses many obstacles to living (and working) well. One of the most perceptive observers of the capitalist order in recent times was Mark Fisher (1968-2017), a political theorist who has gained something of a following online–no small feat for an academic! Fisher’s small book Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative? (2009) is widely regarded as his most important work, and in it, Fisher explores the various interconnected ways in which a capitalist system tends to stunt the imaginations of those living within its sphere of influence. In particular, Fisher argues, capitalist ideology partly functions in such a way that those of us who have imbibed it–namely, all of us–have a difficult time even imagining alternative forms of life.

By the end of today’s class, you will:

  1. begin to understand Fisher’s conception of “capitalist realism” and its application in contemporary debates about the nature of capitalism;

  2. begin to apply Fisher’s ideas to your own experiences living in a capitalist society (with special attention paid to how your own experiences are illuminated by Fisher’s work or instead cast doubt on that work); and

  3. begin to reflect on the prospects for good work–both for yourself and for others–in a capitalist world–that is, a world hostile to good work.

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