
Wed, Apr 24

As we've been discussing, the classic distinction between "work" and "leisure" looms large in philosophy. Because the philosophical concept of leisure is so different than what we typically think of as "relaxation" or "time off," we'll spend a bit of time reconsidering it in this class period. Josef Pieper's text (summarized along with some helpful context and biographical information here) will provide our jumping-off point.

Goals - by the end of today's class, you will:

  1. Understand how Pieper distinguishes between "leisure" and a host of related concepts (e.g. "relaxation," "vacation," "time-off");
  2. Understand why he thinks this distinction is so crucially important; and
  3. See the implications this understanding of leisure has for the arguments for the value of the "contemplative life" that we've been developing and considering throughout this class. 

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