The Limits of Achievement

Mon, Feb 26

Today we'll consider the role of achievement or accomplishment in making work meaningful and worthwhile. While most would agree that these lend work meaning and purpose, the assumption that achievements are the ultimate aim of our work, or that they will automatically make it meaningful, is thought to precipitate crises of meaning, overwork, or other negative work outcomes. Today we'll consider a first-hand account of such a crisis, and reflect on what, if anything, we can learn about the way we value achievementin in the context of finding and doing good work.

Goals - by the end of today's class, you will:

  1. See the relationship Setiya sketches between achievement, accomplishment, and crises of meaning in the context of his own work; and
  2. Understand Setiya's distinction between different types of value (e.g., "final," "ameliorative," "existential") and the role these can play in helping one navigate a crisis of meaning.

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