Work and Ecology: Problems with Consumption

Wed, Apr 03

The past half century–and especially the past thirty years–have witnessed the steady capitulation of the “green movement” to the ideology and techniques of global industrial capitalism and its hangers-on. One of the more obvious fruits of this slow (but steady) capitulation is the ubiquitous idea that the global industrial capitalist order will marshal “science” and “technology” to “solve the problem” of the dramatic ecospheric changes with which we are now living. This fantasy is attractive in part because, when we indulge it, we find it easier to imagine that we can maintain our obscenely consumptive “lifestyles” without doing irreparable damage to our landscapes and places and fellow creatures. For today’s class, we ask the question: “Is ‘green capitalism’ all it’s cracked up to be?”

By the end of today’s class, you will:

  1. have a better understanding of key concepts involved in the critique of “green capitalism,” including greenwashing, non-disruptive disruptions, and affluent consumption;

  2. begin to reflect on patterns of consumption in your own life; and

  3. begin to consider how to respond to the crisis of “green capitalism” for the sake of the common good.


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